Business Backfires: 3 Signs It’s Time to Call Professional IT Services

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The business world is being flooded with information constantly– in fact, by 2020, about 1.7 megabytes of new information will be created for every person in the world with each passing second. For small businesses especially, it can seem impossible to keep up.

Maybe your new business is growing more quickly than you imagined, and now you have more employees (and computers) than you can handle. Or, perhaps you’re nervous about your business’s privacy and are seeking greater cybersecurity. There are tons of reasons why hiring a tech company for IT solutions can help your business thrive in a rapidly developing technological world. Here are three signs the time has come to get professional help from information technology specialists:


  1. Your team keeps going to that coworker who has “the magic touch”We all know him. The guy who can’t sit at his desk for more than twenty minutes before someone comes to him asking for computer help. Maybe he knows a little bit about how to keep online operations running smoothly, but chances are, he doesn’t know enough (and would like to get back to his own work). If you’re relying on one of your employees to fix issues and solve IT problems outside of his or her job description, it’s time to call professional IT services.
  2. You keep saying “if only”Your profits are up, operations are running smoothly, and it seems like business is growing– then you hit an inexplicable wall. Have you considered the possibility that outdated tech is stagnating growth? An inefficient website, ineffective data backup solutions, and other tech-related inefficiencies could be causing your profits to flatline. It might be time for an IT services makeover.
  3. You’re relying on remote advice services instead of in-house help

    Finally, one common sign that a business needs a better tech support system is when it relies on calling IT hotlines for help. While phone services can be very beneficial for minor information issues, if you’re calling a service for advice daily, consider getting an upgrade. Using a remote service repeatedly is inefficient– though you may save money upfront, you likely lose precious productive time by trying to solve problems yourself with second-party guidance over the phone. Additionally, if you encounter an issue that is difficult to explain, you could waste even more time on the phone IT services for a problem that could be solved in-person in minutes.


If any of the above signs sounds like your business, it could be time to bring the nerds and hire professional IT support. In this technological economy, can you afford not to?

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